A world free of Podoconiosis within our lifetime

A declaration to Eliminate

Podoconiosis within our lifetimes:

130 attendees from 10 countries , and >250 at the combined reception with the Neglected Tropical Diseases NGO Network (NNN) made this first conference a great strategic success A broad mixture of keynote addresses, scientific presentations and discussion fora covered areas of podoconiosis research from causation and distribution through to prevention and treatment. The meeting was opened by Dr Akpaka Kalu from WHO. The attending partners from endemic courtly governments, donors, academics and implementers drew up the Addis Ababa Declaration on Elimination of Podoconiosis

Thanks to Matthew Joseph for a touching and poignant exhibition of stunning polo images
in April 2019 at the Oxo tower Wharf gallery

Update on NaPan:
Vision: to see Ethiopia free of podoconiosis
Mission: To coordinate and standardize efforts for the elimination of podoconiosis,
to build the capacity of members and other stakeholders, and to support research for evidence based interventions.

Congratulations to Professor Gail Davey, founder of Footwork who is Chair of the Neglected
Tropical Diseases NGO Network Executive Committee for 2018-19. Dr Claire Fuller is leading the Skin NTDs Cross Cutting group of this NGO