A world free of Podoconiosis within our lifetime

Addis Ababa Declaration on Elimination of Podoconiosis

As partners including endemic country governments, donors, academics and implementers gathered at the First International Podoconiosis Conference on 23 September 2018 in Addis Ababa, they produced the Declaration on Elimination of Podoconiosis recognising that

  1. People with podoconiosis (endemic nonfilarial elephantiasis) have long been neglected and have lacked the means to prevent and treat the condition.
  2. Podoconiosis has profound social, psychological and economic impacts on individuals, families, communities and nations.
  3. 1.5 million people are affected within Ethiopia alone, and 4 million people are estimated to be affected worldwide.
  4. There is a critical shortage of health care workers trained in the management of people affected by podoconiosis, such that less than 10% of affected people have access to care. (see link above to the conference booklet for full declaration

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Attendees at International Podoconiosis Conference