A world free of Podoconiosis within our lifetime

APA First Year News

Zelalem Executive Manager of APA

Dr Fuller visited Soddo in February 2013 to review the progress and achievements of the newly established “Action on Podoconiosis Association” [APA].

They gained their Ethiopian NGO license in December 2011 and formally started activities in 2012.

They have developed their ideas from the experience of Mossy Foot Patient Treatment Association over the last 10 years in Soddo and its immediate environment.

They started in areas outside that served by MFPTA.

They have opened 6 clinic sites, the nearest being about 60KM from Soddo in remote areas not previously served by any programs before.

In each site they have recruited a nurse and social worker to act as a team. Each of the teams addresses Prevention, Care and Rehabilitation activities. Since they have been running clinics (from March 2012) they have treated more than 3500 patients as well as provided health education.

This is a phenomenal effort for a first year of project with limited funding and a signal of great things to come! Mossy Foot UK is proud to be supporting them.


Bespoke shoe making under way for APA

Mr Tesfaye, returns to Soddo to train the first shoe making recruits for APA. The 20 students, some patients from the 6 new clinic sites set  up by APA this year undertake a 40 day training programme in bespoke shoe making. They will initially make shoes at the APA Soddo shoe workshop but then return to set up small scale workshops in their own localities.

He last visited Soddo to train the shoe makers for MFPTA but had never seen a clinic site.

Claire remedied that taking him with her to see the patients.

What we really need” said one of the patients “is a way of reaching our brothers and sisters who are too ill to come to the clinic sites. Can you send APA a motorbike for the social worker to reach them?”

Water supply continues to be a challenge. In the majority of cases Ethiopians have to collect the water they need from the day from either a standpipe or a river which may be some distance from their home. Carrying water to wash with is thus pretty much out of the question. Other solutions are needed.

This is the sort of bike that would really help the podo carers reach their more remote patients

“I had never visited a clinic site before when I trained the MFPTA shoe makers. Meeting the patients has really moved me and I will go back home and work out what more I can do to help” Mr Tesfaye, Feb 2013