A world free of Podoconiosis within our lifetime

APA’s First Prevention and Treatment Project

…all official and signed up as of February 2012

APA’s first project “Podoconiosis Prevention and Treatment Project in Wolayta, Gamo Gofa and Dawro Zones of SNNPR” was agreed and signed by the SNNPR (Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region) Finance and Economic Development Bureau on February 20th 2012.

This three year project aims to:

(a) Establish treatment sites in three zones – Wolaitta (Soddo Zuria and Offa woredas), Gamo Gofa (Kucha and Daramalo woredas) and Dawro (Maraka and Loma woredas).
(b) Treat a total of 38,100 patients (28,100 women / 10,000 men) over the three year period.
(c) Provide vocational training for up to 540 treated patients (e.g., shoe making, hair-dressing, carpentry, etc.) to benefit communities and generate income.
(d) Provide microcredit to up to 450 treated patients, in particular widows and women shunned because of Podoconiosis.
(e) Increase awareness of Podoconiosis in communities within the zones, to help eliminate prejudice and reduce the on-going rate of disease.
(f) Transfer project activities to local Government authorities at the end of the three year period, with full involvement of the local community to help ensure a smooth Phase-Out.