A world free of Podoconiosis within our lifetime

Mossy Foot UK

In 2002 Claire visited the Mossy Foot treatment centre at Sodo in Ethiopia as an evaluator for the British Embassy. She was so struck by the set-up, and encouraged by the initiative and drive of the locals who had established such a cost-effective model, that she decided to get more involved. A desire to improve awareness of the condition and increase funding led to the setting up of Mossy Foot UK.

The operational side of the charity remains very lean and simple. The administration spend is minimal. There are no office or paid staff.

What we do
The purpose of Mossy Foot UK is to combat podo using a range of approaches that include communication, treatment and social projects.

At present our support is concentrated on a group of NGO-run schemes in Ethiopia, the country where there is probably the highest density of cases.

Additionally we work to lobby and collaborate with other neglected tropical disease groups raising the profile and concern about this poorly understood condition Internationally as well as within Ethiopia

Our partners
Mossyfoot UK works with carefully chosen partners within Ethiopia. Action on Podoconiosis Network (www.actiononpodo.com) is our current partner in Ethiopia carrying out great work. They are working with government health workers to increase provision of treatment to podoconiois aiming to reach the 4 million people estimated to have podoconiosis within Ethiopia.