A world free of Podoconiosis within our lifetime

WHO launches Skin NTD Framework

“Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals: a strategic framework for integrated control and management of skin relatedneglectedtropical diseases” is a document designed to support the WHO 2030 NTD eradication targets.

It was written in collaboration with a group of independent experts, including Dr Fuller supported by an extensive global consultation. It aims to assist endemic countries in reducing morbidity, disability and psychosocial impacts of skin NTDs including podoconiosis through a people-centred approach by identifying areas, key partners and resources for integration as well as systems to embed interventions within national programmes and facilitate country ownership. Grouping the skin-related diseases will improve prospects for combining activities to detect and treat two or more diseases simultaneously.

MOSSYFOOT UK is proud to support Action On Podoconiosis and Integrated Development Organization (APIDO) in Ethiopia

Dr Claire Fuller, has joined the board of trustees of the newly established UK arm of the
International Podoconiosis Initiative, FootWork International. This will enhance her
influence in promoting podoconiosis research, care and advocacy more widely. MossyFoot UK remains a Footwork partner organisation.


We continue to rely on the generosity of our donors to be able to support our partners in
Ethiopia. Thank-you to you all especially the Willow Tree and Douglas Health Eves Trusts and the Eleanor Creeke Settlement